Do you long for a straight, camera-ready smile but dread the idea of wearing bulky, metal braces? Invisalign clear aligners can help you obtain your dream smile more comfortably and conveniently than ever before! An alternative to traditional metal braces, Invisalign involves using clear, removable trays to gradually move the teeth into the proper position and alignment. The trays are custom-made to fit the unique specifications of your mouth, providing you with a natural-looking smile you will be proud to show off.

At Town Center Dentistry, your safety and comfort are our top priorities. Our orthodontic specialist Dr. Gary Sanner has almost 30 years of experience creating beautiful and confident smiles with Invisalign. Combining his specialized orthodontic training from the University of South California with a gentle and compassionate approach, Dr. Sanner is the dentist thousands of patients have trusted for a straighter smile. Read on to learn more about the treatment and find out whether it is right for you.

What Does Invisalign Correct?

Invisalign treats the following issues:

  • An overbite or underbite
  • Overly crowded teeth
  • Gaps and spaces between teeth
  • Open bite
  • Crossbite

Before recommending the treatment, Dr. Sanner will meet with you to discuss your dental needs and goals, as well as to examine your mouth and teeth. Depending on your orthodontic needs and the severity of your case, Dr. Sanner may recommend traditional braces. Rest assured that Dr. Sanner will go over all of your options in detail with you before making his recommendations.

The Benefits of Invisalign

The most obvious benefit Invisalign clear aligners have over traditional metal braces is their design. Because the aligners are clear and nearly invisible, patients can straighten their teeth inconspicuously, without worrying about their appearance. The Invisalign trays are removable, which makes cleaning and eating much easier. With Invisalign, most patients are able to straighten teeth in a year or less, which is faster than with traditional braces.

About Your Invisalign Treatment

To begin treatment, Dr. Sanner will make impressions of your bite, as well as take X-rays and photographs of your teeth. Using this, our team will create a set of aligners designed specifically for your unique specifications. You will need to wear each set of aligners for two weeks, which will work to subtly shift your teeth into the desired position. After the two weeks, you will need to replace your aligners with a new pair. For optimal results, we recommend you wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day, only removing them to brush, floss, eat and clean the aligners.

Why Choose Town Center Dentistry

At Town Center Dentistry, we pride ourselves on creating customized treatment plans that fit the needs of each individual patient. As an Invisalign specialist, Dr. Sanner has helped countless patients achieve straighter smiles and has ample experience helping each patient achieve their dream smile with aligners. We provide patients with exceptional yet affordable dental care. To learn more about Invisalign, including whether it is right for you, please call Town Center Dentistry at (858) 521-0000.